
Truth or Dare

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  • Dare: Dance like a ballet dancer
  • Truth: What is the strangest dream you've ever had
  • Dare: Walk like a model
  • Dare: Do 10 push ups
  • Dare: Don't blink for 20 seconds
  • Truth: Have you ever used your lunch money for something other than lunch?
  • Truth: What is the meanest thing you have ever done?
  • Truth: What do you hide under your bed?
  • Truth: If you were a superhero, which powers would you want to have?
  • Dare: Pretend to be a witch and fly around on a broomstick.
  • Dare: Choose a random item in the room and make up a story about it
  • Dare: Pretend to be a baby and let someone pretend to feed you a bottle.
  • Truth: What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?
  • Truth: What are you scared of?
  • Dare: Pretend to clean yourself like a cat
  • Dare: Sing "Happy Birthday" in a silly voice?
  • Dare: Lick your elbow
  • Truth: Have you ever broken something in the house and blamed a sibling? What was it?
  • Truth: What is the one food you couldn’t live without?
  • Dare: Pretend to be a snake
  • Dare: Balance a pencil on your nose for 10 seconds