
It's a Small World - Hedging Expressions

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  • Is this sentence correct? People might assume that playing the violin is difficult.
  • Is this sentence correct? It claimed has been that Real Madrid have better odds of winning La Liga this year than Barclona.
    No. It has been claimed that... (and the second part you decide!)
  • Is this sentence correct? Evidence indicates that more people like dogs than cats.
  • True or False: We use hedging language when we want to state objective facts.
  • Which is a synonym of hedging? Cautious language or gardening language?
    Cautious language
  • Is this a good use of hedging? It has been claimed that Spain's flag contains yellow and red.
    No, we don't need to use hedging expressions for facts.
  • True or False: You will rarely see hedging expressions in real life.
    False, you will see hedging expressions in a lot of places such as news reports, articles and academic papers.
  • Is this sentence correct? People appear that destiny doesn't actually exist.
    No. People might assume that destiny doesn't actually exist.
  • When are you more likely to hear hedging expressions? In news reports or in WhatsApp groups?
    News Reports
  • How many of these expressions are used for hedging? 1) I reckon 2) Scholars maintain 3) It has been claimed that 4) Evidence indicates 5) Studies suggest 6) It is 7) I believe
    4 - Scholars maintain, it has been claimed that, evidence indicates, studies suggest