
What Will You Say Next?

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  • Can I play with you at recess?
    What will you say next?
  • Do you have any brothers or sisters?
    What will you say next?
  • It's nice to meet you!
    What will you say next?
  • I like hamburgers.
    What will you say next?
  • What is the weather like today?
    What will you say next?
  • Thank you!
    What will you say next?
  • How's your day?
    What will you say next?
  • What are you doing this weekend?
    What will you say next?
  • You did a great job!
    What will you say next?
  • What are you having for lunch?
    What will you say next?
  • See you later!
    What will you say next?
  • What do you like to at home?
    What will you say next?
  • Hi! I'm Lauren.
    What will you say next?
  • How are you?
    What will you say next?
  • I hope you have a great day!
    What will you say next?
  • Do you play any sports?
    What will you say next?
  • I like your shirt today!
    What will you say next?