
Let's revise!

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  • What's wrong here?
    You can only write one word in this part of the exam.
  • What's wrong here?
    The story is told in the present. It should be told in the past.
  • What's missing at the beginning of this email?
    An opening phrase: How are you? / How are things? / Hope you're well. / etc
  • What's wrong here?
    There should be a question mark at the end of the question: How are you?
  • What's missing at the end of this email?
    A closing phrase (See you soon / Bye for now) and the name
  • What's wrong here?
    We don't use a question mark at the beginning of questions, we only use it at the end.
  • What's wrong here?
    The order of the events was changed.
  • What's wrong here?
    You had to tell Jo how you will travel there, not ask her how she will get there.
  • TRUE OR FALSE: We can use a pen, a pencil or a marker to write on the answer sheet.
    FALSE: We can only use a pencil (B or HB).
  • What's wrong here?
    We have to use capital letters
  • What's the problem here?
    You have to colour the entire circle. You can't paint outside the circle.