
Adjective suffixes -ful -less

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  • Which adjective means "showing no mercy or pity": merciful or merciless?
    Merciless. Example: "There are reports of merciless attacks on innocent civilians."
  • Complete with -ful or -less: "Aspirin is use_____ for headaches."
  • If I say that the land is useless for growing crops, it means that I can plant anything there that it will grow. True or false?
    False. If the land is useless, it has no value. Nothing will grow there.
  • True or false: Forceful people express their opinions and wishes in a strong and confident way.
    True! Example: "He was a man of forceful character, with considerable diplomatic skills."
  • Complete with -ful or -less: "A thought_____ person does not show consideration for the needs of other people."
  • True or false: A merciless person shows compassion for other people, especially when he/she is in a position to punish them.
    False! A merciful person is the one who shows compassion. A merciless person shows no mercy.
  • Which adjective means "without ability, influence, or power": powerful or powerless?
  • Complete with -ful or -less: "You feel so help_____ because there's nothing you can do to make the child better."
  • Change one word if necessary: "The movie was successful. It earned more than 1 billion dollars at the box office."
    Not necessary to change anything. The sentence is correct.
  • Which adjective means "feeling or inspiring optimism about a future event": hopeful or hopeless?
  • Which adjective means "ineffective, weak, impotent": forceful or forceless?
    Forceless. Example: “The candidate presented a forceless argument”
  • Complete with -ful or -less: "Thank you for your advice; it's been very help_____."
  • Complete with -ful or -less: "A thought_____ person is someone who thinks about others before themselves."
  • True or false: "Cruella is a careful driver. Her behavior could cause accidents."
    False! Cruella is a careless driver, she drives without reasonable consideration for other road users.
  • True or false: A penniless person has a lot of money.
    False! A rich person has a lot of money. A penniless person has no money at all.
  • Complete with -ful or -less: "Thankfully, the injection was pain_____. I didn't feel a thing."
    Painless. It didn't cause any suffering or physical pain.
  • Change one word if necessary: "He died a slow and painless death. It was horrible!"
    Change "painless" for "painful".