
Work and job skills

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  • Name 2 job skills of a homemaker.
    organize, manage money, manage time, take care of children, organize the family, plan
  • What are your skills?
    I can______.
  • What's her job skill?
    She can use a computer.
  • What's his job? What are his skills?
    bus driver, He can drive a bus and help people.
  • What does he do?
    He's a security guard.
  • What's this job?
    factory worker
  • What does he do?
    He's a server.
  • What does he do?
    He's a custodian.
  • What does he do?
    He's a nurse.
  • What does she do? (She helps in an office)
    She's an office assistant.
  • What does she do? Where does she work?
    She's a nursing assistant. She works in a hospital.
  • What does he do?
    He's mechanic.
  • What does she do?
    She's a dentist.
  • What does he do? What is this job skill?
    He's a mechanic. He can fix a car.
  • What's his job skill?
    He can fix things.
  • What is her skill?
    She can speak two languages.
  • What's this job skill?
    operate machinery