
Unit 6 reading

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  • Where did Lucia go to in the U.K.?
    She went to Edinburg, in Scotland.
  • What does Lucia say you mustn't do when you talk to British people?
    You mustn't call everyone and everything "English"
  • What does he always try to do before he visits a new country?
    He tries to learn about the people and customs.
  • What does Mattia say you mustn't do in public places?
    You mustn't talk loudly
  • What did Gabriela do wrong when she was in England?
    She arrived late for lunch.
  • Which of these British customs are similar or different in Morocco?
  • When someone offers you a cup of tea, which is the best answer?
    yes, please.
  • What does Aarav say you must do when tiy see people waiting in line?
    You must wai,t too.
  • What are the four countries in U.K.?
    England, Wales, and Northern Ireland
  • What do British people think about being late?
    They think it's rude
  • What does Mark love doing?
    He loves traveling