
Defining and Non-defining relative clauses

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  • I run three times a week. It keeps me healthy (D)
    I run three times a week, which keeps me healthy.
  • Tim has short blonde hair. He is very good at sports (ND)
    Tim, who has short, blond hair, is very good at sport.
  • Jim is in the kitchen. He is talking in the phone (ND)
    Jim, who is in the kitchen, is talking on the phone.
  • Here's the money. I owe it to you (D)
    Here's the money (that) I owe you.
  • The picture has mountains. I painted it (ND)
    The picture, which has mountains, was painted by me.
  • My friend Jade opposes GM crops. She’s an environmental scientist. (ND)
    My friend Jade, who is an environmental scientist, opposes GM crops.
  • The church is very old. We visited it yesterday (D)
    The church which we visited yesterday is very old.
  • I met a boy. His father has been to space. (D)
    I met a boy whose father has been to space.