
Technology Trends | Intermediate level

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  • a model of organization that provides customer support, virtual employee access and employee support from anywhere in the world
    Anywhere Operations
  • the act of breaking the rules
  • to involve yourself deeply in something
    to immerse
  • the process of collecting data that shows information on people's behaviors, interests and preferences
    Internet of Behavior (IoB)
  • to appear
    to emerge
  • the technology that helps transform anything into a service with the use of cloud computing and remote access
    Everything-as-a-Service (XaaS)
  • relating to the sense of touch; tactile
  • to act in accordance with the rules
    to comply with
  • a cyber defense strategy that independently secures each device with its own perimeter — such as firewalls and network protection tools
    Cybersecurity Mesh
  • services that are provided whenever you need them
    on-demand services
  • to use someone or something for your own advantage
    to exploit
  • use of virtual enhancements integrated with real-world objects
    augmented reality
  • information about the way people behave
    behavioral data
  • a VR technology that creates a completely multi-sensory experience based on sound, sight and touch
    Tactile Virtual Reality
  • cyber defense strategy that secures each device within its own perimeter
    cybersecurity mesh
  • distant
  • to include
    to incorporate