
Trivia for kids

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  • Name a mammal that can’t jump
    elephant, hippo, rhino
  • What color is at the top of the rainbow?
    It's red!
  • What is Batman’s real name?
    It's Bruce Wayne
  • Who painted The Mona Lisa?
    It was Leonardo da Vinci!
  • What is the coldest place on Earth?
    It's Antarctica!
  • Which planet in our solar system is the biggest?
    It's Jupiter!
  • What country invented the ice cream sundae?
    The Unitated States
  • How many arms does an octopus have?
  • What are the Olympic medals made of?
    Gold, silver, and bronze!
  • Which is the fastest land animal?
    The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world!
  • How many zeros are there in one hundred thousand?
    There are five zeros in this big number!
  • What was the first animal to be cloned?
    It was a sheep called Dolly! beeeeeeeh
  • How many teeth does an adult human have?
  • What is another name for the 4th of July holiday?
    The Independence Day
  • Which two parts of the body continue to grow for your entire life?
    Your nose and ears!!!
  • Who was the first man on the moon?
    It was Neil Armstrong!
  • How many bones does a shark have?
    Zero! No bones at all!
  • What type of bird lays the largest eggs?
  • Which Disney princess is the only one based on a real person?
    It's Pocahontas!
  • How many primary colors are there?
    There are three! Red, yellow and blue!