
comparatives and superlatives

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  • The ferry from Staten Island to Manhattan is the ________ (cheap) in the world. It’s free!
  • The conference on tropical diseases was the _________ (memorable) I’ve ever attended.
    most memorable
  • Team games are ________ (sociable) than cycling because you meet and speak to a lot of people.
    more sociable
  • As far as I´m concerned, reading exercises are _____________ than baamboozle.
    the least interesting
  • Eating a balanced is __________ (good) for losing weight than most diets.
  • This shape is much ___________ (irregular) than the other one
    more irregular
  • I´m ............. at English than maths. (BAD)
  • Today is the _____ (BAD) day I've had this year.
  • There are lots of ways to keep fit, but I think __________ (healthy) of all is zumba.
    the healthiest
  • You call in sick ______ (often) than anyone else in the class.
    more often
  • For me, sky diving is __________ (thrilling) of all sports. 6
    the most thrilling
  • This questionnaire about "which Disney princess am I" is the ___________(complicated) I’ve ever completed.
    more complicated