
Much - Many - A lot of

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  • I need _____ sugar.
    a lot of
  • I have ___ apples.
    many / a lot of
  • I need__________more minutes to finish up this task
    a few
  • There isn't ____ water.
    a lot of / much
  • Do you have _____ time?
    much / a lot of
  • There is ___ water!
    a lot of
  • I have _____ money.
    a lot of
  • He has ___ coins.
    many / a lot of
  • I saw ____ cows.
    many / a lot of
  • There isn't _____ wind today.
    much / a lot of
  • Do you have ____ toys?
    many / a lot of
  • Do you have _____ milk?
    much / a lot of
  • He has ______ homework.
    a lot of
  • She bought _____books at the bookstore yesterday to add to her collection
    a few
  • I need ____ pens.
    many / a lot of
  • There's still ________ time left before the movie starts.
    a little
  • Is there _____ flour?
    much / a lot of
  • There aren't _____ bananas.
    many / a lot of
  • She added ____ sugar to the tea
    a little
  • There is _____ snow!
    a lot of
  • Wow! There are ____ trees.
    many / a lot of