
Thanksgiving sequencing/problem solving

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  • You show up to Thanksgiving dinner and notice your grandma just got new glasses. She asks what you think of them. You think they are ugly. What could you say to her?
    Compliment her; say that they are different
  • Your dad asks you to keep an eye on the oven while he greets guests at the door. You notice a funny smell coming from the oven and then the kitchen timer goes off. What should you do?
    Get your dad; turn off the oven
  • You went to the grocery store with your mom to get last minute ingredients. She asked you to go to the dairy isle to find milk. You can't find where the milk is in the store. What should you do?
    Find your mom; ask an employee; look again
  • Your parents expect you to clean up the dinner table. You get up to start cleaning, but then you notice the rest of your cousins sitting there not cleaning. What would you do?
    Ask them politely to help; start cleaning and see if they will join you
  • You finish your first plate and get ready to grab seconds. You reach for the bread rolls and notice there's only one left. You are not sure if everyone else got to try the rolls. What should you do?
    Ask your family if you can have the last one; chose something else
  • You notice that the front door was left open by one of your guests. You look around the house and realize your dog is not inside. What should you do?
    Tell an adult; check the backyard; look again
  • You are sitting at the thanksgiving table with your cousins. Your younger cousin accidentally spills her drink, causing her to cry. What should you do?
    Use your napkin to help clean the mess; comfort her; tell an adult
  • You let your cousin borrow a video game last Thanksgiving and he never returned it. Now he asked to borrow another one. What would you do or say?
    Ask for him to return the last game
  • You take your plate up to the kitchen to where the food is. You look around and do not see any food that you like. Your dad asks what is wrong. What could you do?
    Explain that nothing looks appetizing; ask him what is the tastiest and try it