
Cause and Effect

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  • It began to rain so Sally and Joe ran inside. WHAT IS THE EFFECT?
    Sally and Joe ran inside
  • Because of the thunderstorm, our power went out. WHAT IS THE EFFECT?
    our power went out.
  • We behaved well so the teacher let us play games. WHAT IS THE EFFECT?
    the teacher let us play games
  • Since we're fixing the backyard, we had to bring the dogs inside. WHAT IS THE EFFECT?
    we had to bring the dogs inside
  • Because of the thunderstorm, our power went out. WHAT IS THE CAUSE?
    the thunderstorm
  • We went to the grocery store because we needed sour cream, eggs, and milk. WHAT IS THE CAUSE?
    we needed sour cream, eggs, and milk.
  • Since it was raining, we had to play in the classroom. WHAT IS THE EFFECT?
    we had to play in the classroom
  • I grew an inch last year, so now my pants don't fit. WHAT IS THE CAUSE?
    I grew an inch last year
  • Since it was such a sunny day, we decided to take the dogs out. WHAT IS THE EFFECT?
    we decided to take the dogs out
  • Jessi once ate a carrot and got sick, so she doesn't eat carrots anymore. WHAT IS THE CAUSE?
    Jessi once ate a carrot and got sick
  • It began to rain so Sally and Joe ran inside. WHAT IS THE CAUSE?
    It began to rain.
  • Jessi once ate a carrot and got sick, so she doesn't eat carrots anymore. WHAT IS THE EFFECT?
    she doesn't eat carrots anymore
  • Since it was such a sunny day, we decided to take the dogs out. WHAT IS THE CAUSE?
    it was such a sunny day
  • Since we were playing outside, we need to wash our hands. WHAT IS THE EFFECT?
    we need to wash our hands
  • Since we're fixing the backyard, we had to bring the dogs inside. WHAT IS THE CAUSE?
    we're fixing the backyard
  • Sally took out her art box because she wanted to paint. WHAT IS THE EFFECT?
    Sally took out her art box
  • Sally took out her art box because she wanted to paint. WHAT IS THE CAUSE?
    she wanted to paint
  • My camera is off because I am using my tablet. WHAT IS THE EFFECT?
    My camera is off
  • I grew an inch last year, so now my pants don't fit. WHAT IS THE EFFECT?
    now my pants don't fit.
  • Since I forgot my homework, the teacher sent an email to my parents. WHAT IS THE CAUSE?
    I forgot my homework