
TOEIC Part 1 Strategies TOURNAMENT

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  • How many of these words have stress on the first syllable? arranged, removing, set up, located, installing, walkway, merchandise, bulletin board, counter, cabinet, vehicle
    7 (LOcated, WALKway, MERCHandise, BULletin board, COUNter, CABinet, VEhicle)
  • True or False? In Part 1, the essential vocabulary is presented in the form of verb - noun collocations
  • True or False? Most of the photographs do not contain people.
    False. Most of the photographs contain a person or people.
  • True or False? Most function words, such as pronouns, articles, prepositions, and auxiliary verbs, are stressed.
    False (They usually reduce and link to stressed words)
  • In Part 1, if there are people in the photograph, imagine _____ they are and _____ they are doing.
    If there are people in the photograph, imagine where they are and what they are doing.
  • Where is the stress in this sentence? They're walking down some steps.
    THEY'RE walking DOWN some steps.
    They're WALKing down SOME steps.
    They're WALKing down some STEPS.
    THEY'RE walking down some STEPS.
  • True or False? When the photograph contains people, the question is usually about the people.
  • In Part 1, correct statements about people are usually formed using the _______ tense in the _____ voice.
    present continuous/active
    present simple/active
    present continuous/passive
    present simple/passive
  • Which verb tense is used in this sentence? A bench is located next to a walkway.
    Present perfect, passive voice
    None of the above
    Present simple, passive voice
    Present simple, active voice
  • In Part 1, statements about things are most often formed using the _____ tense in the _____ voice.
    present perfect/active
    present perfect/passive
    present continuous/passive
    present continuous/active