
Flea Market vs Night Market

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  • What is this? Is this a night market or flea market?
    These are antiques from the flea market.
  • What is this? Is this a night market or flea market?
    This is the balloon game from the night market.
  • What is this? Is this a night market or flea market?
    This is a doll from the night market.
  • What is this? Is this a night market or flea market?
    These are car parts from the flea market.
  • What is this? Is this a night market or flea market?
    This is funnel cake from the flea market.
  • What is this? Is this a night market or flea market?
    This is stinky tofu from the night market.
  • What is this? Is this a night market or flea market?
    This is a claw machine from the night market.
  • What is this? Is this a night market or flea market?
    This is a ride from the flea market.
  • What is this? Is this a night market or flea market?
    This is a jersey from the flea market.
  • What is this? Is this a night market or flea market?
    This is an oyster omelette from the night market.
  • What is this? Is this a night market or flea market?
    These are baseball cards from the flea market.
  • What is this? Is this a night market or flea market?
    These are sweet potato balls from the night market,