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  • Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: Danny ______ (be) part of the research team since he was 25.
    has been
  • My sister has _____ (come across / signed up for / streamed) Black Pink's new MV on Youtube for 3 hours.
  • Scientists have to work really hard to discover effective ways to ______ (destroy / preserve / increase) fossilized dinosaurs.
  • Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: I ________ (use) Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok since 3 years ago.
    have used
  • A group of paleontologists ____ (dig up) a full skeleton of a T-Rex a few days ago.
    dug up
  • I ________ (not/use/enjoy) studying about fossils, but I do now.
    didn't use to enjoy
  • Use the correct form of 'Used to' to complete the sentence: Jenny never _______ (chat) with her friends online, but now she always does so.
    used to chat
  • In 2001, researchers _____ (discover) some fossils in Sahara desert.
  • Use the correct form of 'Used to' to complete the sentence: It _______ (take) a long time to download the videos from this website. But now it's much faster.
    used to take
  • Scientists have studied _____ change (discovery / climate / global) for more than 100 years.
  • Use the correct form of 'Used to' to complete the sentence: ____ your dad _____ (take) photos with a digital camera?
    Did your dad use to take photos with a digital camera?