
Harriet Tubman

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  • Where did Tubman bring escaped slaves so that they could be free?
    Europe and Asia
    northern states and Canada
  • After she escaped to freedom in the North, Tubman...
    returned to the South many times to help other slaves escape
    stayed in the North in Philadelphia for the rest of her life
  • Which of the following best describes how Tubman and other slaves escaped to freedom?
    on comfortable trains and buses
    at night, under the cover of darkness
  • People who tried to end slavery were called...
  • What was the Underground Railroad?
    a secret network of people who helped slaves escape
    a real train that went from Maryland to Pennsylvania
  • People who traveled with escaped slaves on the Underground Railroad, helping sneak them to safety, were called...
  • Tubman decided to escape to freedom after learning
    how slaves were being treated at other plantations.
    her owner was planning to sell her to another plantation.
  • Which of the following best describes Harriet Tubman’s childhood?
    She was born free and went to school.
    She was born a slave and forced to work on a plantation.
  • How did Tubman find her way to freedom?
    She followed the North Star.
    She used maps and compasses.