
F2F B1 - Past continuous or Past simple

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  • 7. The scientist ______________________ (find) unexpected results when he _____________________ (conduct) experiments in the laboratory.
    found/was conducting
  • 2. While I _____________________ (have) lunch, the idea for a new invention _______________________ (come) to me
    was having / came
  • 14. I ______________________(go) into the shop and __________________________(buy) a new phone.
    went / bought
  • 13. As soon as she ______________________ (finish) her work, she ____________________ (leave) the office.
    finished / left
  • 15. It _____________________(be) a beautiful day and I __________________(ride) my bike along the river until a young man _____________(shout) at me to get off the path.
    was / was riding / shouted
  • 10. Once they ___________________________ (run) the marathon, they __________________ (feel) a sense of accomplishment.
    ran / felt
  • 5. He _________________________ (lose) his wallet when he _________________ (walk) through the crowded market.
    lost / was walking
  • 8. As the chef _________________________ (prepare) the special dish, the aroma _______________ (fill) the entire kitchen quickly.
    was preparing / filled
  • 1. As they ___________________ (drive) through the city, they ______________________ (see) a famous celebrity.
    were driving / saw
  • 6. They ____________________________ (swim) in the ocean when a pod of dolphins _______________________ (appear) in the distance.
    were swimming / appeared
  • 11. While they __________________________ (hike) in the mountains, the birds _________________________ (sing) in the trees.
    were hiking / were singing
  • 3. From the moment she _____________________ (begin) her performance, the entire room _______________________ (fall) silent.
    began / fell
  • 12. She _______________________ (practice) her music on the piano and her brother _________________________ (also/play) video games but in the next room.
    was practising / was also playing
  • 9. While the children _________________________ (be) at school, their parents _____________________(work) in the office.
    were / were working
  • 4. While they ___________________________ (wear) their costumes, a photographer _______________ (capture) their candid moments on camera.
    were wearing / captured