
Diplomatic language B1-C2

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  • Teenagers are rude to people in the street. (can, quite, at times)
    Teenagers can be quite rude to people in the street at times.
  • Men don't do housework. (look, some, much)
    It looks like some men don't do much housework.
  • They're impatient. (Generally speaking, not very)
    Generally speaking, they are not very patient.
  • Americans are fat. (generally speaking, not very ...)
    Generally speaking, Americans are not very fit / slim.
  • Women choose rich partners. (generally speaking, tend)
    Generally speaking, women tend to choose rich partners.
  • People steal consumables from the office. (appear, some, tend)
    It appears that some people tend to steal consumables from the office.
  • People in their twenties spend too much time playing video games. (Perhaps; some of them; a bit)
    Perhaps some people in their twenties spend a bit too much time playing video games.
  • The Millennials are very unhealthy. (some of them; not very)
    Some of the Millenials are not very healthy.
  • They spend too much time smoking at work. (perhaps, some of them, a bit)
    Perhaps some of them spend a bit too much time smoking at work.
  • They're selfish. (some of them, can, rather, at times)
    Some of them can be rather selfish at times.
  • You are cheap. (on the whole, tend, a bit)
    On the whole, you tend to be a bit careful with money.
  • Teachers are narrow-minded. (some, seem, less, at times)
    Some teachers seem to be less open to new ideas at times.
  • Managers don’t think outside the box. (perhaps, some, hard)
    Perhaps some managers find it hard to think outside the box
  • Women sleep too much. (appear, most, a little)
    It appears that most women sleep a little too much.
  • You're impatient. (not very, at times)
    You're not very patient at times.
  • People don’t do enough sport. (on the whole, seem)
    On the whole, people don't seem to do enough sport. / On the whole, people seem not to do enough sport.
  • People don’t get rich through hard work. (generally speaking, seem)
    Generally speaking, people don't seem to get rich through hard work.
  • You're lazy. (can, rather, at times)
    You can be rather relaxed /laid-back at times.
  • These snacks are very unhealty. (some of ... , may not be very ...)
    Some of these snacks may not be very healthy.
  • Bosses always mistreat their subordinates. (some, seem, at times, enough)
    Some bosses don't seem to treat .... / Some bosses seem not to treat their subordinates well enough at times.
  • Your family watch a lot of TV. (On the whole, tend to, quite)
    On the whole, your family tend to watch quite a lot of TV.
  • Men spend too much time drinking beer with their friends. (seem, a little)
    Men seem to spend a little too much time drinking beer with their friends.