
Who is Hillary Clinton? Ch 4-6

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  • Who protected the Clinton's when Bill became president?
    The secret service.
    The police.
    Socks, the cat.
  • Where did Hillary and Bill buy a house?
    Fayetteville, Arkansas.
    Washington D.C.
  • What does Chelsea Clinton speak out about often?
    Human rights and women's rights.
    Civil rights and people's rights.
    Latino rights and African American rights.
  • How many countries did Hillary travel to while she was first lady?
  • What was one great thing that Eleanor Roosevelt did?
    Gave speeches for her husband during the Great Depression.
    Went to Germany.
    Stole money from children.
  • What did Hillary work on in her office in the White House?
    Changing Education in the USA.
    Changing the military in the USA.
    Changing health care in the USA.
    Changing business in the USA.
  • What job did Hillary get in Little Rock?
    She became president of Little Rock.
    She became the king of the world.
    She became a taxi driver.
    She became the first female partner of a big law firm.
  • What game did Chelsea play?
  • What was Hillary's book 'It Takes a Village' about?
    About her hometown.
    About how every child needs a group of caring individuals to raise them.
    About her child, Chelsea.
    About a village.
  • What was the 'Hillary problem'?
    People worried that Hillary was a woman.
    People worried that Hillary was too smart.
    People worried that Hillary would be running the country with Bill.
    People worried that Bill was a woman.
  • Why did Hillary have to change her name and appearance?
    Because Bill told her to do it.
    Because she wasn't pretty enough.
    Because of discrimination.
    Because she is a woman.
  • What good things happened while Bill Clinton was the 42nd president of the USA?
    He lied about romance with a young woman.
    The USA went into space.
    The country had economic growth and peace.
    The world became richer.
  • What was one big change that Hillary made, to help the schools in Arkansas?
    She gave more money to schools.
    She made teachers fight each other.
    She made students do more tests.
    She introduced tests for teachers to prove they could do the job.
  • Who was Bill Clinton's opponent in the 1992 election?
    Barack Obama
    Kim Jong Un
    Republican George H.W. Bush.
    Moon Jae In
  • When did Hillary and Bill get married?
    Flebuly 123rd, 1683
    October 11th, 1975
    October 15th, 2020
    January 1st, 1910
  • When was Chelsea Clinton born?
    February 27th, 1980.
    January 17th, 1990.
    March 10th, 2000.
    October 15th, 2020.
  • Where was Hillary's office in the White House?
    The South Wing.
    The East Wing.
    The West Wing.
    The North Wing.
  • What job did Bill Clinton get in 1978?
    He became president of the UK.
    He became the governor of Arkansas.
    He became governor of Arkansaw.
    He became president of the USA.