
Thanksgiving Facts

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  • What do people eat on Thankgiving?
    Turkey, corn, potatoes and pumpkin pie
  •  True or False: Turkeys can see behind themselves.
    True - They can see 270 degrees.
  • What dessert did they have at Thanksgiving?
    Pumpkin pie
  • What was the Native Americans name that helped the Pilgrims?
  • What is this vegetable?
    Sweet potato
  • What is this vegetable
  • The first Thanksgiving lasted how many days:
    7 days
    4 days
    3 days
    5 days
  • True or False: The first Thanksgiving was in 1620
    False. It was in 1621
  • What is a popular festival in your country? When does it happen?
  • The Native Americans showed them how to grow food and hunt?
  • What was the ships name that the Pilgrems arived in, in 1620
    The Julyflower
    The Juneflower
    The Mayflower
    The Aprilflower
  • What activitiies did the Pilgrems and Native Americans do on Thanksgiving
    They played games, sang songs and danced
  • Thanksgiving occurs on the:
    fourth Thursday in November
  • What food do you eat on TET holidays?
  • Why did many settlers die in the first winter?
    They were very cold and didn't have enough food
  • What is this vegetable?