
Wonders G2A Lesson 12 - Sled Dogs Run

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  • What do sled dogs live for?
    To run and pull
  • How do the dogs feel before the first run?
    They feel so excited. They go crazy. They run in circles, howling and crying and yipping with joy.
  • What do they pull in autumn/fall?
    A cart
  • What is the title of the story?
    Sled Dogs Run
  • Did you like today's story? Why or why not?
  • What are the dogs names?
    Skookum, Hawk and Bamboo.
  • What is the story about?
    Sled Dogs
  • What does this story teach you about?
  • Who must you trust when on the sled in a snowstorm?
    Trust the dogs, they will know the way.
  • Who is the leader of the pack?
  • What do they wear when pulling the sled?
    A harness
  • What does 'Skookum' mean in Alaska?
  • What does Papa say I will love about the first solo run?
    You will love the speed and the sense of freedom
  • Do you want to be pulled by sled dogs? Why or why not?
  • What do they pull behind them at first while training?
    A log