
World's Kindness Day

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  • Act of Kindness
    Yelling at someone
    Saying "Please" and "Thank You"
  • Act of Kindness
    Helping hand
    Share toys
    Smile and greet
  • Act of Kindness
    Pick up trash
    Throw your food on the ground
  • Act of Kindness
    Smile and say "Hi" to a friend
    Be rude to a friend
  • Act of Kindness
    Plant a seed
    Donate Toys
  • Act of Kindness
    Pushing your friend
    Share your snack
  • Act of Kindness
    Pick Up Trash
    Apologize and Forgive
    Donate Toys
    Plant a Seed
  • Act of Kindness
    Thank You Notes
    Share toys
    Smile and greet
  • Act of Kindness
    Apologize, Say Sorry
    Tell someone to go away
  • Act of Kindness
    Smile and Greet
    Helping Hand
    Thank You Notes
    Share Toys