
Can you...?

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  • Can you say hello in 3 different languages?
  • Can you sing a song in english?
  • Can you beat your opponents in a staring contest?
  • Can you do 15 push ups?
  • Can you count from 20 to 0 backwards?
  • Can you throw a paper ball into the bin?
  • Can you name 10 super heroes?
  • Can you spell your teacher's last name?
  • Can you cross your eyes?
  • Can you say 10 colors in english?
  • Can you write your name with your left hand?
  • Can you roar like a lion?
  • Can you raise only one eyebrow?
  • Can you lick your elbow?
  • Can you dance a famous coreography?
  • Can you beat your opponents in an arm-wrestle?