
School subjects

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  • What class is this?
    This is math class.
  • What class does he have today?
    He has music class today.
  • What class do we have today?
    We have science class today.
  • What class does she have today?
    She has math class today.
  • A class where we learn about places, cities and countries.
    This is geography class.
  • What class is this?
    This is art class.
  • A class where we learn about the past.
    This is history class.
  • What class is this?
    This is music class.
  • A class where we exercise.
    This is P.E. class.
  • What class is this?
    This is P.E. class.
  • What class is this?
    This is history class.
  • What class do they have today?
    They have geography class today.
  • What class do we have today?
    We have art class today.
  • A class where we learn about numbers.
    This is math class.
  • What class is this?
    This is literature class.
  • What class is this?
    This is science class.
  • What class is this?
    This is geography class.
  • What class do they have today?
    They have P.E. class today.
  • A class where we read books.
    This is literature class.
  • What class does she have today?
    She has history class today.
  • A class where we draw and paint.
    This is art class.
  • What class does he have today?
    He has literature class today.
  • A class where we play instruments.
    This is music class.