
Childhood memories!

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  • Who did you usually play with as a child?
  • Did you enjoy reading as a child? What kind of books did you read?
  • Is there any object from your childhood that you still keep because it has emotional value to you?
  • Did you have a favorite toy or toy series? What was it?
  • Children have powerful imaginations. Can you recall any imaginary games or friends from childhood?
  • Do you remember your first day at school? How was it?
  • Did you get in trouble often? What kind of mischief did you get up to?
  • Did you often play outside or did you prefer to stay inside?
  • Did you get pocket money or an allowance when you were a kid? If so, what did you spend that money on?
  • What chores did you have to do? Were you diligent at getting your chores done?
  • Do you remember your first day at school? How was it?
  • What's your happiest memory from childhood?
  • Children can be scared of many things, real or imagined. Were you frightened by anything as a child?
  • Children often mimic adult behavior. Did you ever pretend to be a grown-up?
  • Which is better between being a child and being an adult?