
Complete Writing

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  • What is a counterclaim?
    What someone who disagrees might say
  • What should the last sentence in each body paragraph be?
    Conclusion sentence
  • What does the "P" stand for in SPAM?
  • What does situation mean?
    The background information from the prompt
  • What is the purpose of a hook?
    To grab the reader's attention
  • What does the "M" stand for in SPAM?
  • What should the first sentence in your conclusion paragraph be?
    Restate the thesis statement
  • What does the "Q" stand for in PADIOQ?
    Question or Quote
  • What is Background Information?
    Information the reader needs to know before reading the paper
  • What does the "I" stand for in PADIOQ?
    Interesting Fact
  • What is a rebuttal?
    Why the counterclaim is wrong
  • What does it mean to persuade?
    To convince
  • What should the last sentence in the conclusion paragraph be?
    Resounding thought or call to action
  • How many sentences should each body paragraph be?
  • Where does the thesis statement go?
    Last sentence of the intro paragraph
  • What is a resounding thought?
    A reflection on the topic or why it's important
  • What does audience mean?
    Who we're writing to
  • What does the "O" stand for in PADIOQ?
  • What should the first sentence in each body paragraph be?
    Topic sentence
  • What is a call to action?
    Asking the reader to do something
  • What does the "S" stand for in SPAM?
  • What should the first thing in your intro paragraph be?
  • What does the "D" stand for in PADIOQ?
  • What does the "A" stand for in PADIOQ?
  • What should the second thing in your intro paragraph be?
    Background Information
  • What is a thesis statement?
    Lays out the topic of your writing and the major points
  • What does mode mean?
    The form of writing we're being asked to produce
  • What does the "P" stand for in PADIOQ?
    Paint a Picture
  • Do you need to use complete sentences in your prewrite?
  • How many examples/details should be in each body paragraph?
  • What does the "A" stand for in SPAM?
  • What is a claim?
    Your position on the topic
  • What does purpose mean?
    Why we're writing