
Huck Finn

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  • What does Honest injun mean?
    slang honestly, seriously
  • After hiding his stuff and climbing a tree, where does Huck decide to go to cook supper?
    Illinois bank
  • Why does Jim think he's rich now?
    Owns himself and worth 800 dollars
  • Why did Huck say he wouldn't tell on Jim?
    He liked Jim and his company and did not plan on going home
  • What was Mark Twain's real name?
    Samuel Clemens
  • What is the slang meaning of truck?
    small items
  • Why did Jim say he wouldn't tell on Huck?
    He ran away and didn't want anyone to know where he was
  • Why was Jim careful not to make tracks?
    So dogs or people could not track him
  • What is quicksilver?
    mercury (a silver-white poisonous heavy metallic element)
  • How did Huck get his first bite to eat and why was there food in the water?
    Bakers bread came ashore, someone probably Miss Waston sent it out just in case
  • When Huck sees a snake and chases after it with his gun, what does he discover and why does it scare him?
    Campfire still smoking
  • What did the man (Jim) think when he first saw Huck?
    A ghost trying to harm him
  • What realization did Huck have about praying and the food he receiving.
    The widow or preacher prayed it would reach him
  • When was the book Huck Finn published?
  • When he did explore it, (island) what food did he find?
    Strawberries, grapes, raspberries, and blackberries
  • Name 3 of the main themes of the book.
    Slavery, Freedom, Class divisions, Violence, Race relations, Social responsibility, Moral dilemmas, coming of age
  • What is Corn-pone?
    similar to cornbread