
Reading Comprehension

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  • How did Tiago’s grandmother feel?
    b) She was worried.
  • How did Tiago feel when he was alone in the middle of the rainforest?
    c) tired and scared
  • Which animal did Tiago follow to the rainforest?
    a) butterfly
  • Curupira had orange hair, two big ears and two __________ feet!
    a) backwards
  • Tiago’s grandma said, “Don’t be silly! Curupira doesn’t __________”.
    c) exist
  • Why do adults tell stories about Curupira?
    b) to stop children from going into the rain forest
  • Why did Tiago ask for help?
    a) Because he was lost.
  • Who does Tiago live with?
    b) with his grandma
  • Curupira __________ the animals, plants and trees in the rain forest.
    a) protects
  • Tiago’s grandma told him not to go into the __________ because there were fierce animals.
    c) rainforest