
Accidents with cooking and food

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  • What safety actions should be taken when using a microwave oven to heat or cook food?
  • How can we prevent accidents like cuts and burns while preparing food in the kitchen?
  • Have you ever experienced a cooking-related accident? If so, what happened, and how did you handle it?
  • Have you ever spilled hot liquid while cooking? How did you handle it?
  • Why is it important to wash your hands before and after handling food?
  • What safety measures should be taken when deep-frying food to avoid accidents?
  • Can you name a food that can be dangerous to eat if not prepared properly?
  • What are some common kitchen accidents that can happen while cooking?
  • What should someone do if they accidentally start a small kitchen fire while cooking?
  • How can food poisoning be prevented when preparing and storing foods?
  • Have you ever experienced an allergic reaction to a food ingredient, and if so, how did you handle it?