
The Littles Exam 1 Prep

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  • Why did Granny Little take the red sock?
    to make a sweater for Tom
  • What is Mr. Bigg's first name?
  • What is something Mr. and Mrs. Newcombe do not want to do while they are at the Biggs' house?
    They don't want to do housework. They don't want to cook. They don't want to take the trash out.
  • __________ cooks very well.
    Mrs. Bigg
  • Who said it? "This isn't my house. I'm fixing nothing and I'm doing nothing."
    Mr Newcomb
  • What does Granny Little tell her family to watch out for?
    mice coming
  • __________ was attacked and has a leg injury.
    Uncle Pete
  • __________ is six inches tall.
    Mr. Little
  • __________ is very afraid of cats.
    Lucy Little
  • What is Mr. Newcomb's first name?
    Charles (Charlie)
  • Who said it? "I have less trouble with this old house than my neighbors do with their brand-new houses."
    Mr. Bigg
  • What is Mrs. Newcomb's first name?
  • What do Mrs. and Mr. Newcomb want to do while they are at the Biggs' house?
    Mrs. Newcomb wants to write. Mr. Newcomb wants to paint.
  • Where is the Littles’ secret look-out place?
    Behind the light switch in the hall
  • Why are the Littles worried at the beginning of the book?
    The Newcombs are moving in (the Biggs are going on vacation).
  • __________ lost a red sock.
    Henry Bigg
  • Who said it? "Watch out for mice."
    Granny Little
  • What is one way the Littles help the Biggs?
    Fix the electricity, use candles to warm the pipes so they don't freeze.
  • Who said it? "This place is a mess since they came. And I AM getting tired of hamburger."
    Uncle Pete
  • Where are the Newcombs from?
    The City
  • What is Mr. Little's first name?
    William (Will)