
Materials and properties

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  • What material can you make from this tree?
    You can make rubber.
  • Is wood transparent or opaque?
    Wood is opaque.
  • What are the properties of this wall?
    It's rough and rigid.
  • What material is it? What are it's properties?
    It's plastic. It's smooth and weak.
  • What material is it? What are it's properties?
    It's paper. It's smooth and weak.
  • What material is it? What are it's properties?
    It's fabric. It's soft and flexible.
  • What material is it? What are it's properties?
    It's wood. It's smooth and rigid.
  • What material is it? What are it's properties?
    It's fabric. It's soft and absorbent.
  • Why is wood a good material for a chair?
    Because it's strong and rigid.
  • Can you recycle glass?
    Yes, you can.
  • What material is made of sand?
    Glass is made of sand.
  • What material is it? What are it's properties?
    It's rubber. It's flexible and waterproof.
  • What material is it? What are it's properties?
    It's plastic. It's hard and rigid.
  • What material is it? What are it's properties?
    It's plastic. It's opaque and dull.
  • What material is it? What are it's properties?
    It's wood. It's strong and waterproof.
  • What material is it? What are it's properties?
    It's glass. It's shiny and transparent.
  • What material is it? What are it's properties?
    It's cardboard. It's flexible and opaque.
  • What material is it? What are it's properties?
    It's rubber/plastic. It's flexible and transparent.
  • Plastic and rubber are a good materials for raincoats. Why?
    Because they are waterproof.
  • What material is it? What are it's properties?
    It's metal. It's shiny and flexible.
  • What material is it? What are it's properties?
    It's plastic. It's strong and rigid.
  • An igloo is made of ______________________.
  • What material is it? What are it's properties?
    It's metal. It's smooth and shiny.
  • Which material is natural: GLASS or WOOD? What are it's properties?
    Wood is natural. It's rough and strong.