
Viking Age Elective History

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  • What was Ragnar Lodbrok famous for?
    The Siege of Paris, Gaining Normandy.
  • Name two of the ways that Vikings believed would get them into Valhalla.
    Died in battle, Died at Sea, Died during Childbirth
  • How did archaeologists know that the Viking Woman buried at Birka was significant?
    She was buried with two horses, gold and weapons
  • What was the name of the first Christian Viking King?
    King Harald Bluetooth
  • True or False: The Blood Eagle was a real Punishment.
  • What were the three social classes in Viking Society?
    Jarls, Karls and Thralls
  • Who is the god of Trickery?
  • What year was the Siege of Paris?
  • What was the Thing?
    Viking system of Government where everyone but Thralls helped write laws
  • What was the God Odin responsible for?
    Death, Wisdom, War and Poetry. Chief of the Gods
  • Name three ways that disputes were settled in Viking Times.
    Feuds, Duels, Fines and Outlaws
  • Name two words in English from the Norse Language.
    Thursday, Friday, Berserk, Window, Dragon
  • What were the two most common jobs for Vikings?
    Fishermen/Farmers and Tradespeople
  • The viking belief system is an example of what type of religion?
    Norse Paganism/Polytheism
  • What is significant about Lindisfarne?
    It was the first English Christian Monastery that was raided by Vikings.
  • What is the Viking name of the Longships?
    Drakkar Ships
  • What are the countries in Scandinavia?
    Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland.
  • What were the three types of viking ships?
    Longship, Knorr and Fishing Ships
  • What did Vikings do when they came into contact with the Islamic world?
    They pillaged, lived, worked and traded with Muslims.
  • What were the three ways people were buried in Viking Times?
    Burial Mounds, Ship Burials and Mountain Burials