
Curious George Takes a Job

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  • How did they wake George up?
    They sang
    They pushed him
    They put him under the shower
  • What happened when George jumped off the fire escape?
    He was fine
    He broke his arm
    He ran away
    He broke his leg
  • How did George feel on the street?
    A little excited
    A little scared
    A little sad
  • What was the movie about?
    George's life
    The man with the yellow hat
    George's friends
  • What was George's job?
    Painting the apartments of the skyscraper
    Climbing the skyscraper
    Washing the windows of the skyscraper
  • Where did George's friend see George?
    On the front page of the newspaper
    In the movie
    On the TV
  • Where was George at the start of the story?
    In the movie theater
    In the zoo
    On the bus
    At the park
  • George was a good little monkey, but he was...
  • How did George get out of his cage?
    An elephant broke George's cage
    He took the key for his cage from the zookeeper
    He broke his cage
  • What did George paint?
    The zoo with George and the zookeeper
    The zoo with the elephant
    A jungle with a giraffe, two leopards, and a zebra
    A jungle with two lions and a monkey
  • Why did George leave the zoo?
    The zookeeper told him to
    He wanted to find out what was going on outside the zoo
    He wanted to find his family
    He hated the zoo
  • What did George become at the end of the story?
    A painter
    A zookeeper
    A movie actor
    A cook
  • How did George get out of the building?
    He used the fire escape
    He used the slide
    He fell
    He used the elevator
  • Why did George get off the bus?
    He got tired and a little dizzy
    He felt scared
    He was bored
  • Why was George asleep when his friend found him?
    He didn't want to see his friend
    He was too sick
    He was tired
    He drank the blue bottle
  • Who did he think he could find?
    The painters
    His friend, the man with the yellow hat
    The chef
    His friend, the man with the white hat
  • Where did George sit on the bus?
    Next to the driver
    On the top
    At the back
  • What did George eat in the restaurant?
  • Where was George hiding?
    In the rhino's hay
    In the elephant's hay
    In the hippo's hay
  • Who was the cook's friend?
    The zookeeper
    Another cook in a different restaurant
    A painter
    An elevator man in a skyscraper
  • Why did the cook not scold much?
    Because he was a kind man
    Because he was too tired
    Because he didn't like spaghetti anyway
  • Why did George stop painting?
    Because people came back
    Because he fell off
    Because he got bored
    Because he was too curious
  • Why did George stop washing the windows?
    He got tired
    He was fascinated by the crying boy
    He was fascinated by the painters
    He fell off
  • What did George think about himself in hospital?
    Maybe he should not have had so much fun...
    Maybe he should not have been so curious...
    Maybe he should have been more curious...