
Halloween Time 2020 - 21Century and Keynote

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  • What is the meaning of annoying? A. creating problems B. causing irritation and anger C. causing shame and feelings of guilt
    B - Causing irritation and anger
  • Do you think it is ok to tell a "white lie"? (a lie told in order to prevent someone from feeling bad.
    personal answer
  • If you sell something for more than you paid, you make a __________. A. profit B. income C. interest
    A. profit
  • "I decided to move on to working with big machines, ones that didn't fit in my living room." What does move on mean? A. continue B. change places C. start a new activity
  • "So, I brought six printers to my home and just printed 24-7." What does 24-7 mean? A. continuously B. on time C. on schedule
  • It’s actually a school. We teach job skills to people who are unemployed and unable to 1 (donate / earn) a living. The goal is to help students gain an 2 (income / investment) by using their new skills.
    1. earn - 2. income
  • What is the meaning of selfish? a) very unhappy b) causing great sadness c) caring only about yourself
    C - caring only about yourself
  • What is the meaning of countless? A. too many to count B. always increasing C. very few
    A- too many to count
  • What do you think is a good way to deal with stress?
    Personal answer
  • Why might you need to take a detour on your way to work?
    Examples: incase the road is blocked, or a falling tree / accidentnis blocking the rooad
  • To MASTER/DOMINATE something means to be very skilled at it.
  • Polar bears may become extinct ______________ loss of sea ice.
  • To face a challenge, you have to A. OVERCOME B. BREAK C. ENDURANCEyour fears and doubts.
  • The CURRENT temperature is much warmer than what is normal for this time of year. A. maximum; B. highest average annual C. happening right now
    C - happening right now
  • Riding your bicycle is a good choice SINCE / DUE TO it doesn't cause pollution.
  • A: I couldn't find those new sneakers in any store. B: That's not surprising. There's a very limited ______.A. DEMAND B. SUPPLY C. ORDER
  • Disagree with the statement: "You can always trust your family to keep your secrets safe."
    I don't think so, the reason is that.......