
Adjectives to Describe Cartoon Characters

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  • How can you describe it?
    It is happy and cold.
  • How can you describe it?
    It is green and small.
  • How can you describe it?
    It is yellow, funny and small.
  • How can you describe it?
    It is a white cat. It is hungry.
  • How can you describe it?
    It is green and sad.
  • How can you describe it?
    It is a small mouse. It is cute.
  • How can you describe it?
    It is a shark. It has got sharp teeth.
  • How can you describe it?
    He is fat and silly.
  • How can you describe it?
    It is a red fish. It is red and small.
  • How can you describe it?
    He is fast, brave and smart.
  • How can you describe it?
    It is fast and brave.
  • How can you describe it?
    It is a dog. It is hungry.