
Used to and would

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  • My brother ________ love camping with his friends. (would or used to)
    My brother used to love camping with his friends.
  • When the weather was bad, I _______ stay home and read comic books. (would or used to or both)
    Both. (Stay = dynamic v.)
  • used to + ______?_____
    bare infinitive, active and stative verb
  • would + ______?_____
    bare infinitive, active verb
  • We used to be friends but not anymore. (Right or Wrong)
  • Amanda would have long curly hair. (Right or Wrong)
    Wrong. (Have is a stative verb)
  • I ______ download Webtoon application on my phone. (would or used to or both)
  • What do used to and would describe about?
    past habits, repeated past actions and states (states: only Used to)
  • My teacher would to use Canva to present the lesson. (Is it all correct?)
    No. (would to use = would use)
  • She would have a dog in her apartment. (Right or Wrong)
    Wrong (Have = stative verb)
  • When I was young I ___ live in the countryside. (would or used to)
    used to
  • If there is a definite time in the sentence, we use ________ instead. (used to/would/past simple)
    Past simple (I lived in London for 10 years v I used to live in London)
  • Did you used to forget the book when you were at school? (Is it all correct?)
    No. (Did you use to ...)
  • My mom would read me bedtime stories every night. (Right or Wrong)
  • I didn’t used to like action films, but I love them now. (Is it all correct?)
    No. (didn't use to)
  • I used to live in Ratchburi when I was a kid. (Right or Wrong)
  • Mick would play basketball every Friday when he studied in the university. (Right or Wrong)