
Woman or man?

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  • You feel yourself to be more important
    a) in an emergency b) in humdrum daily life c) in unforeseen circunstances
  • Your partner is
    a) a liner b) a raft c) a rubber boat
  • Luck is
    a) an illusion b) a struggle c) fate
  • Your first love is
    a) something you'll never forget b) the last one too c) yet to come
  • If a vase smashes to pieces you
    a) buy a new one b) try to stick it together again c) throw the bits out
  • If you come into an inheritance do you
    a) squander it b) spend it c) save it up
  • In your choices do you follow
    a) experience b) intuition c) conscience
  • A relationship breaks down in the absence of
    a) understanding b) sexual harmony c) unfaithfulness
  • Your strength lies in
    a) your head b) your heart c) your hands
  • You are the reincarnation of
    a) a martyr b) a witch c) an artist
  • Do you tend to be
    a) too hard b) over-tolerant c) too much of a liar
  • Choose one of these colors
    a) red b) blue c) yellow
  • You most fear
    a) boredom b) extremes c) breaking rules
  • Feelings of guilt are
    a) a warning b) a form of persecution complex c) perfectly normal
  • When you are away on a journey do you, on arrival, immediately ring up
    a) Your workplace b) your mother c) your spouse
  • You most hate the person who has
    a) betrayed you b) ignored you c) hurt you
  • You will be reincarnated as
    a) a plant b) an animal c) a man
  • A person who doesn't love you
    a) doesn't deserve you b) excites you c) annihilates you
  • In love you feel more like
    a) the prey b) the hunter c) the den
  • The sea is
    a) a mystery b) a stilness c) a threat