
Consonant sounds 3C

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  • Read the following tongue twister: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
  • Find something that has the /b/ sound.
  • Name a vegetable that has the /b/ sound.
  • Read: Big pups bark in parks but plenty of breeds bite.
  • Make a sentence that contains three words with the /p/ sound.
  • Find something that has the /g/ sound
  • Read: bob - pop blob - plop beg - peg peck - beck
  • Mention the name of 2 countries/cities that have the /f/ sound.
  • Betty Botter bought some butter. But, she said, the butter’s bitter. If I put it in my batter. It will make my batter bitter.
  • Find something that has the /k/ sound.