
Sarcasm Practice

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  • Your mother let your brother make a cake and he made a massive mess in the kitchen. You say...
  • You and your family have to wake up for a 4AM flight in the morning. You say...
  • When you walk into maths class, your teacher announces you are taking a surprise quiz, you say...
  • Your mum serves leftover lasagne that has been sitting in the fridge all week for dinner. You say...
  • Your room is covered in dirty laundry and dirty dishes from all the snacks you grab from the kitchen. When your mum walks in she says...
  • Your friend has a big stain on their shirt. You say...
  • You break your pencil in the middle of an important test and don't have an extra. You say...
  • Your friend knocks over all of the supplies for the experiment in science class onto the floor. You say...
  • Your brother forgets to look at his homework until late Sunday night. He realizes he has two big assignments due on Monday morning, you say ....
  • After football practice you get into your dad's car to drive home. He say's...