
Sentence Correction

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  • Allison drinked all of the orange juice.
    Allison drank all of the orange juice.
  • The toddler throwed a tantrum when he couldn't have a cookie before dinner.
    The toddler threw a tantrum when he couldn't have a cookie before dinner.
  • Please make sure all of the light switch are turned off before leaving the house.
    Please make sure all of the light switches are turned off before leaving the house.
  • Now that spring is near, trees are starting to grow new leafs.
    Now that spring is near, trees are starting to grow new leaves.
  • The baseball player had his foots measured for new cleats.
    The baseball player had his feet measured for new cleats
  • The student drawed a very detailed picture for art class.
    The student drew a very details picture for art class.
  • The womans got together every Sunday for brunch.
    The women got together every Sunday for brunch.
  • My dad caught three fishes while he was out on the boat today.
    My dad caught three fish while he was out on the boat today.
  • Peter waked up extra early so that he could exercise before work.
    Peter woke up extra early so that he could exercise before work.
  • Yesterday, I find a dollar on the sidewalk.
    Yesterday, I found a dollar on the sidewalk.