
Gaming is bad for YOU?

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  • Someone who’s controlled and moderate have this
    Emotional stability
  • A degenerative condition where body motion and reasoning are affected
  • To compete and interact with others in a realistic setting
  • To experiment with something
    To try out
  • How can immersive games help improve social skills?
    Because you have to figure out who you can trust, make friends with and how to lead a group
  • Say the 7 genres of online / board games
    Shooter, action, sports, RPG, sandbox, horror, RTS (real time strategy)
  • Relieve stress (idiom/ phrasal verb)
    Blow off steam
  • We use this phrasal verb to say something is considered less
    Look down on something/ someone
  • How can gaming help cognitive patients get better?
    It may improve walking coordination, social skills, and mood
  • Why might gaming be particularly good for teens?
    Because it may help them blow off steam
  • To improve something (verb)