
WonderSkills Reading Intermediate 1 Unit 4

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  • What is the name of the dog with the black spots?
  • What does Cal do when he is so happy?
    He licks Jake's hand.
  • What are the names of the other dogs in the shelter?
    Jack, Spot and Sam.
  • What does Jake tell Dad?
    I want to take Cal for a walk.
  • Why is the boy excited?
    He's going to the animal shelter to get a dog.
  • What does Jake put on Cal?
    A leash.
  • Who is smart?
    Cal is smart.
  • Where do they walk to everyday?
  • What does Dad say to Jake?
    Look, Jake, that dog with the black spots is staring at you.
  • What tricks can Cal do?
    He can roll over and stand on his back legs.
  • What does Cal do with Jake every night?
    He sleeps with him.
  • What kind of dogs are there at the shelter?
    There are big dogs, little dogs, fat dogs, and skinny dogs.
  • What does Jake think about his friendship with Cal?
    He thinks their friendship is special.
  • Who teaches Cal tricks?