
Polynesian Expansion Across the Pacific

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  • When did the Maori reach New Zealand?
  • What is the submerged continent that New Zealand is a part of?
  • What is the name of the islands that form from dead coral reefs
  • Where is Polynesia?
    A group of Islands in the Pacific Ocean.
  • What is the Polynesian word for Canoe?
  • What is an Atau?
    A fisherman God from The Cook Islands?
  • Which country do the Maori come from?
    Aotearoa (New Zealand)
  • What is the Maori name for New Zealand?
  • What is the name of the giant, extinct bird from New Zealand?
  • Which Polynesian island has the huge heads made of stone?
    Easter Island (Papa Nui)
  • Name FOUR countries that are part of Polynesia?
    Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Cook Islands, Rapa Nui (Easter Island), Solomon Islands, Niue, Hawaii, Tahiti and New Caledonia.
  • What is a Moko?
    A traditional Maori Tattoo
  • Name three Polynesian societies where tattoos were traditional?
    Marquesan, Samoan, Tahitian, Hawaiian and Maori.
  • What were two of the factors that helped Polynesians spread across the ocean?
    Birds, Stars, Weather/Wind, Improved Canoe Technology
  • What is New Zealand's capitol city?
  • What are the cardinal directions?
    North, East, South, West.
  • What is Whakairo?
    Traditional Maori Carving
  • What is the name of the giant eagle that used to live in New Zealand?
    Haast's eagle
  • Which is the Polynesian term for Easter Island?
    Rapa Nui
  • True or False: Polynesians spread from South America to South-East Asia?