
What is the Problem?

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  • What should I do to hear better?
    tell my friend, "I can hear you better if you don't talk with food in your mouth."
  • What should I do to hear better?
    turn on the captions, reduce background noise
  • What should I do to hear better?
    ask my family to take turns talking please
  • What should I do to hear better?
    Look at the person talking
  • What should I do to hear better?
    tell my friend, "I can hear you better if you don't talk with food in your mouth."
  • What should I do to hear better?
    make sure the light is good so I can see the person's face when they are talking
  • What should I do to hear better?
    Say, "I can hear you better if you turn down the music."
  • What should I do to hear better?
    move closer to the teacher
  • What should I do if I missed the directions, but don't want to interrupt the teacher?
    look for clues
  • What should I do to hear better?
    Ask the people to take turns talking.
  • What should I do to hear better?
    move closer to the teacher