
Speaking about School

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  • What is one benefit of online learning?
  • What are three advantages of studying online?
  • Do you enjoy school life? What do you like the most?
  • What are three disadvantages of studying online?
  • Do you think online learning is changing our relationship to work and school? Why or why not?
  • Do you get a lot of homework? Do you think it helps you learn?
  • Have you ever skipped school? What did you do? Were you caught?
  • How do you relax after your school in the evening?
  • How do you feel when you can't find an answer to a question online?
  • Why do you think online learning has become more popular in recent years?
  • Do you often use the internet to find answers to your questions?
  • What is your favorite food at the school canteen(cafeteria)?
  • How do you feel about searching for information on the Internet instead of traditional methods such as books or libraries?
  • Do you have a lot of experience with studying online?
  • Why do people want to study online?