
Cambridge Complete First for Schools unit 2

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  • Living in England helped me pick up English very quickly. What does "pick up" mean?
    to learn a new skill or language
  • Complete the phrase: "to ____ a promise" means to do what you said you would do.
  • What does "get used to" something mean?
    become accustomed to something
  • Which phrasal verb means "arrive" ?
    set off
    pick up
    turn up
    turn down
  • You need to ____ risks in life if you want to be successful.
  • Charles was excited to be _____________ the surfing competition.
    picking up
    taking part in
    turning up in
    getting used to
  • To take part in something means to
    include new information to a topic
    remove aspect of something
    consider the possibility of failure
    be involved in something with other people
  • The phrasal verb that means to start doing an activity for the first time is.
    take up
    take after
    take on
    take part in
  • "Have a go at answering this question". What does "have a go" mean?
    ARRIVE to the answer
    TRY answering
    BE PART OF an answer
    LEARN HOW to answer