
Kids 4 U2 W1 THE BODY

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  • Which organ eliminates waste through feces?
    the small intestine
    the large intestine
    the liver
  • Which organ cleans our blood?
    the kidneys
    the liver
    the lungs
  • Which organ pumps blood?
    the kidneys
    the large intestine
    the heart
  • Which organ breaks down the food?
    the stomach
    the heart
    the large intestine
  • Which organ absorbs the nutrients from the food?
    the stomach
    the small intestine
    the large intestine
  • Which organs help us to breathe?
    the lungs
    the small intestine
    the brain
  • Which organ controls our body?
    the stomach
    the heart
    The brain
  • Which organ eliminates waste through urine?
    the heart
    the stomach
    the kidneys