
Adverbs of Time

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  • I played video games after lunch today.
    I played video games this afternoon.
  • The musicians arrived after lunch yesterday.
    The musicians arrived yesterday afternoon.
  • Today is Wednesday. I went to a concert on Tuesday.
    Today is Wednesday. I went to a concert yesterday.
  • When did he see a movie?
  • When did Billy play basketball?
    yesterday afternoon
  • When did he have a pizza?
    last night
  • When did he go shopping?
    last week
  • We went to the movies after dinner today.
    We went to the movies this evening.
  • We ate pizza for dinner today.
    We ate pizza for dinner this evening.
  • We went to a restaurant for dinner yesterday.
    We went to a restaurant for dinner yesterday evening.
  • I played soccer today after lunch.
    I played soccer this afternoon.
  • When did he practice the flute?
    this morning
  • Mom came to my concert at 10:15 a.m. yesterday.
    Mom came to my concert yesterday morning.
  • I listened to music at breakfast today.
    I listened to music this morning.
  • Today is Monday. On Sunday, we had a picnic.
    We had a picnic yesterday.
  • I have a test today, so I studied after dinner yesterday.
    I studied yesterday evening. (last night)
  • Today is the 15th. I went to the dentist on the 8th.
    I went to the dentist last week.
  • When did he have a math test?
    yesterday morning
  • Yesterday, we stayed up until 10:00 p.m. watching a movie.
    We watched a movie last night.